Saturday, June 7, 2008

I've been bit!

Ok ladies, I have been bit by the apron bug. My mom made David and I aprons when we were first married. My daughter Ashleigh made me an adorable apron for our homemade christmas one year. I noticed a couple of years ago my friend Aundrea wearing an apron when I was over there chatting one day. At the time I thought I should make her an apron. (Aundrea, you still might get one;)) Then I have noticed lots of beautiful aprons showing up on a few other friends blogs. Today while wandering the aisles at Walmart of all places I ended up in the fabric department. And there, right in front of me shouting "Buy me! Buy me!", were these cute patterns for aprons. Sewing is therapeutic for me but lately (at least for the last 5 years or so) I have filled that with scrapbooking. After sewing the "adorable" pioneer dresses I needed to last week I have had the itch to sew again. I didn't have time to actually look though the pattern books and certainly no time to look at fabric (that could be hours of perusing) so I picked these up also knowing in my stash I have other patterns. It was funny because I was taken back to my younger mom years when I would sew all the girls summer clothes. Looking through the pattern books, looking for fabric - it was so nostalgic for me. I loved it! So, thank you all for reminding me of my first crafting love - sewing! And of course, I will look as adorable as the models wearing the aprons on the patterns and I will walk around with cooking utensils as if I am the "awesome" cook my family always wishes I was because of the adorable apron I am wearing:)


Paige said...

Food ALWAYS tastes better when made by someone wearing a cute apron!! Have fun sewing! and I have some patterns you can borrow if you want them, too! ;)

Michelle said...

Those are cute! I can't wait to see what you make. Although ,I'm still waiting for a picture of that pioneer dress.

Rochelle said...

I too have been bit aww what to do? What to do?

Aundrea said...

I'll have to come over and check them out! I've been sewing all week and it really is theraputic. Until I see the disaster that is my house, that happened while I was sewing.:)

Jodi said...

CUTE! I just recently (last 6 months) learned how to sew. I can't believe how much I enjoy it. We should get a monthly group together. Sewing is actually something I can do and talk at the same time ;)