Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Great Conference Weekend

What a marvelous wonderful weekend! It was a long trip but well worth the time it takes to drive there. From the first sounds of conference as we entered the conference center to the last sounds I heard on the radio on our return trip home, I felt peace and comfort. Do we really appreciate and know how lucky we are to have a prophet of God here on the earth today to lead and direct and counsel and give comfort to us during these trying times? I know at times I just take it for granite that everyone just knows that such a man exists. Not only our dear prophet President Monson but his counselors and the quorum of the twelve. All these leaders and others are here at this time for a purpose. What they speak is for us now! I love it! As I sat in the conference center waiting for the first session to start I heard the choir warming up. I immediately thought about what they were singing. The words to all of the hymns sung during conference this time seemed to be an answer to me for questions I have had of late. To hear "live" the music I am sure made it all the more meaningful to me. Often my prayers are answered through music and this time my spirit was so touched by every note sung. I really felt that we were being told to just stay the course, do what is right, turn your heart to the Lord. All will be fine in this chaotic world if we are doing what we know to be right. Everyone struggles. Everyone has adversity to deal with. No one is exempt from these things. These things are to help us grow and humble us. Our Savior will be beside us every step of the way. The talks and music confirmed to me the love He has for us. I heard several times to put our "trust in the Lord". I thought of that a lot this weekend and my dear friend made a comment that has stuck with me all weekend. "Can the Lord trust me?" Can He trust I will do my part. That I will keep the Sabbath day holy, that I will pay my tithing to help build the kingdom, that I will honor my covenants made at baptism, that I will remember to say my prayers and study the scriptures he has given us. As I have thought about this idea of the Lord trusting me I have thought about how much I value the ability to trust my children. As I trust these young people more I give them more responsibilities and sometimes when the trust is broken how responsibilities are taken away. Do I deny myself blessings because I can't be trusted? Just some food for thought. I know He knows my heart and His abilities are greater than mine. I do put my trust in Him and I hope that I can be better trusted to live my life according to the covenants I have made. I thank my Heavenly Father for our dear prophet and the words he gave us this weekend!

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