Just a little side note to my last post about Chad. We had this conversation in the car on the way home from track practice yesterday.
Mom: So, I got your progress report, It was so boring all A's again.
Chad: I was worried. I struggled with Science this time. We were studying geology and I just couldn't get all the rock stuff down. I only have 108%, so I hope that now that were are studying meterology it won't go down more.
Mom: Yeah, I would worry about 108% Isn't that more than you need for an A?
Chad: Yeah, but if rocks on earth were hard for me to get then I don't know how I am going to figure out all the rocks in space!
Mom: Yeah, that would be hard for me to get to.
Chad: One thing I just don't get though is what cloud formations and weather patterns have to do with meteroites?
Mom: (Finally, clueing in to what he had thought meterology was) Hey Chad, I guess you better do a lot of extra credit to keep that grade up if you are going to keep waiting for the teacher to show you the rock formations in space!
I guess that even a bright, brillant child can be a little bit airhead sometimes:) Love ya Chad!
This sounds like something I would say! ;0)
I love this! What a nerd, but I love him anyways. I remember stressing about grades with 100+% what is wrong with us?
I was laughing when you told me that story! He must've been having a blond moment. He's a future "weatherologist" :)
I always tell Hayden that she is the dumbest smart kid I know. She is horribly smart, but sometimes the most basic of things escape her!
Their brains work really hard though, I can give her a break once in a while!
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