This picture was taken a couple of summers ago when we were in Alaska. It was such a fun time with the three older girls! Ashleigh has always been extra special being the oldest daughter. I know sometimes she probably didn't like that role but I could not have asked for a better second mom for my kids. I tried real hard to always let the older girls know there was only one mom, but in reality you can not raise a large family without the help of your older children. They are your second hands, eyes, and ears. I know that Ashleigh has taken the role of older sister very seriously. I am grateful for her love that she shows us all! I am so pleased with how hard she has worked to where she is now. She has worked and gone to school all on her own. She recently was accepted to Dental Hygiene School. That has been a dream of hers since high school. She has worked very hard to get to this place. It did not come easy for her and I know she is glad to finally get to achieve this long awaited goal she has set for herself. We had a few rough moments in her last couple of years of high school. What seventeen year old doesn't think she knows it all and parents are just an
unnecessary annoyance? But I think she always has known how much we love her and have come to understand Ashleigh has to do things her way. Maybe that is one of the things I love the most is her determination to stand her ground even if it is rocky ground. Good luck honey with the next two years and we are behind you all the way!
Congratulations to Ashleigh! I know DH school is not easy to get into...her perserverance paid off.
Good luck :)
Good luck, Ashleigh!
Congrats Ashleigh and Candy it's got to be so neat to see your children make these bounds and leaps in life.
Candy I am so glad you are able to find the joy in your journey. I applaude you for being able to seek it out even among the trial. You are wondeful. Congrats to Ashleigh, that is quite and accomplishment, now the hard work begins. I hope to see more Candy Weitzel originals.
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