These images are not very dark so I hope you can see what they are. I have loved birds my whole life. Recently I have noticed that bird images are everywhere in decorating, from pictures to fabric to paper. My sister Melissa turned me on to a cool podcast that I listen to when I have the time. She is an artist and so is the lady we listen to. Thanks, Melissa because I really have enjoyed this time I take to do some thinking and listening. Well, back to my drawings. I have never thought of myself as one who could draw. I think that is why I like to stamp. The images are drawn yet I can still be very creative with how I use the images. A few Christmas's (is that how you spell that?) ago my daughter Ashleigh gave me a drawing of an image from my stamps. It was beautiful and one I treasure. I have recently had this desire to learn to draw birds. Melissa will understand why. (I like that I have this connection with Missy) This morning I was looking for an image of a bird to draw. I don't know why this morning was the morning I choose but it was. I sat as I was listening to the podcast and doodled this bird. I could only find a red pencil (usually the case when I am looking for something I want it is not where I put it-thus no reagular #2 pencil in sight) But I really did not care about the color of the pencil. I wasn't even sure if I could make the image I was looking at come to my paper. It only took a few minutes. It is not perfect but surprisingly it looks like the bird I was looking at. Autumn came in to ask me a question and was in awe of my drawing. She asked if she could have it for a few minutes. Off she went with me secretly hoping she was not going to destroy my drawing. She came back with her vision of the bird I had drawn. Only hers has "two skirts and is wanting to fly away to be a dancer". I don't know if I will continue with my drawings at the moment. I know that I don't have any great talent for it - but I had a grandmother who learned to play the organ at a relatively older age. (I say that because I am coming closer to the age she was when she learned to play the organ). My grandfather was one who always was wanting to learn something new and took college classes to learn the "new" math so he could help us if we needed it. I have always loved their example of learning - that is why I knew I could learn to play the violin now- I don't play as well as I do the piano but I now know I can learn a new skill. Drawing is something I have always wished I could do. I know I can learn some techniques but I also realize there is some natural talent involved that I will never have. I won't let that stop me from trying though as it will give me a connection with those in my family who do draw - Anyway, I know Autumn loves my drawings!
Your bird drawing is beautiful. And I LOVE Autumn's reasoning for the skirts on her bird. And way to go with learning all your new skills. I think Heavenly Father WANTS us to keep learning new things -- that's why we're on the earth for so long. Enjoy developing your new talents!
I think your bird is wonderful! Way to go for trying something new!
I love the birds! Autumn is adorable, the problem is that she knows it :)
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