Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

Yesterday David had to work. It has always been a holiday for him. But the company was so far behind that they required everyone here in the northwest region to work. So when he arrived home at lunch time I thought it was strange. Autumn came running up the stairs saying "Daddy is home and he brought his computer and his big brown truck!" Apparently he was out here delivering packages. What a fun treat. He stopped by a couple of times during the day. It was just like old times when we lived right on his route. But I think as much as he liked doing his work out here he was not happy about putting in such a long day. He did not get home for the evening until almost 10:00 pm. After he got home we went down to our neighbors with the little girls for a party. The older kids went to the church for their big party. It was so fun. Even though we were a little late we walked in to everyone having a great time. It was really fun to celebrate bringing in the new year with such sweet people. After our celebration we headed home and got everyone to bed. No one woke up until about 9:00 this morning. I have been cleaning and putting Christmas away. David has a day of football watching planned and the kids are just playing and having a lazy day. I am not planning on much as far as a big dinner so it is going to be a pretty easy day for me as well. I am so excited for this new year. I have some lofty plans and hope that I can get organized enough to accomplish some of the things I want to. But that can all wait a few days to put down on paper - today I am just enjoying the idea of this new year!


Elder Caleb Habel said...

I have so enjoyed reading about your Christmas and plans for the new year. I love the photo of you with your sisters, and of your three little girls. I am sad I didn't get to the temple with you and Kat. Happy New year! Love ya.

Michelle said...

Happy New Year!

Tiffini said...

Sounds like the perfect day to start the new year. I hope this year brings joy to you and your family.

Jodi said...

Happy New Years!! What a fun night...we really enjoyed hanging out with you guys, eating good food and playing goofy games :) So glad David was able to get off in time to enjoy the festivities! Love ya "hair twisting signer" :)

Rochelle said...

My friend said she had UPS at her door at 10pm the other night.

Im glad he made it home to party!

Happy New Year!