Can you see the butterfly in this picture? One of the few moments in time that I was prepared and had my camera handy and was quick about getting the photo. I love the outdoors. Thus, my love of birds and butterflies and flowers. I am getting antsy to get my bedding plants in and my hanging baskets on my porch. I am not good at waiting. This time of year when everything wakes up and color comes back into our lives gives new life to me as well. I usually set my goals at this time of year. I did try to do it this year at the traditional first of the year but it just would not come. Every time I sat down to write out the goals they seemed silly and not very consequential. But now, today, as I see life coming alive all around me I am ready to set some goals.
1. Be more prepared. This means not only working on my food storage and organizing what we have, but using it and rotating it. I have plans to make this a part of my blog with weekly updates and information to organize and purchase items on a weekly basis. Also, get our 72 hour kits updated.
2. Be more organized. This means to clean out closets, shelves, drawers, and papers. I have years of children's papers that need to be put together in containers for each child. I started this several times so it is not to bad, but the last five kids have everything thrown into one big box.
3. Be more
spiritual. This means not only to continue with my personal studying but to have better prepared
FHE and better Sabbath activities. Listen better for teaching moments that
incorporate the gospel principles into what I want the children to be learning. (e.g. Are they using pray to help them? Could a scripture story or hero help to teach a principle that might come up?)
4. Be more loving. This means using a softer voice and more of a listening ear. Not to just my family but to all the sweet sisters in my life. This includes watching for more opportunities to serve. Not wait to be asked but just do it. I have started this and it is amazing how I have come out of myself a little bit. I have come to love more instead of judging more.
Well, like that butterfly time is going to float by if I don't put these goals where I can see them. I know I will wish I had done more. This year I want to look back and say I did do more!