Bed time is such a joke at our house. No one ever wants to go to bed and then in the morning no one ever wants to get up. I remember the old days when I had just a few little kids and they did not know any better and they would all be in bed by 7:30 or 8:00. Our family was even featured on the
channel 12 news one
evening about our bedtime routine. (It must have been a slow news night!) After teenagers came into our life it has never been the same. Then Autumn arrived. This child does not know what night time is. She has always stayed up way to late and likes sleeping in. I have tried everything to switch her night time clock but the only thing that worked was for her to sleep with me (and hold her hand) and then we would slip her into her bed. Lately we have been really trying to get her to start out sleeping in her own bed. So Autumn came into our room a couple of nights ago and was to afraid to go to bed. It was getting really late and I was tired. The conversation went something like this,
"Autumn I am so tired just go get back in your bed like a big girl." "Mom, I am scared." "What are you scared of? There are no monsters in this house." "But, there are barn owls." "What?" " You know barn owls, they come and peck, peck, peck at the window and then eat big girls." "Autumn, there are no barns around here, go back to bed." "Mom, they have wings, they can fly and you know - get big girls!"
By this time David is just cracking up. He said "Just let her in bed, that is the best story I have ever heard!" She has her dad wrapped around her little finger and so you guessed it she was a very happy little girl as she crawled over the top of me and snuggled next to David.
I know I am going to miss this someday. It is very hard for me to imagine an evening with out saying at least 25 times - "Go to bed!" Wait, that probably won't happen for at least another 15 years when everyone has moved out. Maybe by that time the "barn owls" will have all flown the coop as well.
Autumn is such a nerd! You forgot to mention that when she said they peck, she made the motions with her hand. Have you figured out where the idea came from yet?
I'm amazed at the stories that girl comes up with! She is so funny...I'm sorry you aren't sleeping well, and that you have to have your hand held all night. I would have a hard time thinking I would miss that someday too:)
I want to know how your family became a news story about bedtime? How did that come about?
I love ther things kids say and do when they are young! You have got to have a good list of some of the funniest things said with all of your kids. I would love to hear your most memorable! Please share!
That is a hilarious story and what an imagination! I can't believe you were featured on the news. Wow.
You were on the news? How fun!!! I love Autumn, she is quite the crack-up. The stories you share are always fun to read :)
OK, I love that story! She is just too adorable!
That was so funny! Well written Candy!
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