Tuesday, December 16, 2008

FHE moment

Yesterday was so beautiful! I could not believe that it could be so cold yet so sunny! The kids played out in the snow and ice all day. Today I was glad for the late opening as the children were tired from such a hard play day yesterday. Last night I tried to do some of the Christmas story for FHE. Autumn just amazed me with her knowledge of the story. She could almost tell it perfectly. But she did have a different ending - Joseph had to go to Bethlehem to get more pepper. This had everyone giggling a bit. So out of the blue. Later I asked her why he had to get pepper and she said, "That's what he needed for his eggs. That is what dad puts on his eggs - duh!" Her imagination never ceases to amaze me. She has watched the movie the Nativity more that a few times. It is one of her favorite Sunday movies. I had a felt nativity to use for telling the story last night. Autumn supplied all the sound affects for when Jesus was born. We were just rolling by then and she did not like that we were laughing. She just said, "What, all ladies make that noise when they have a baby." I am just sorry David missed this FHE. I tried to tell him about it but it just was not the same without Autumn doing the sound affects and story telling. I love these moments in time - everyone getting along and love on everyone's face. Note I said moments - not all FHE's are like this:)


Tiffini said...

What a character! Sounds like a lot of fun.

Lynn Boyle said...

Autumn is soo cute. i love her and jakies moments... The weather reminds me of Minn. growing up. that's why the cold there never bothered me, it was also sunny....miss you.

Toshia said...

You should have had a video camera set up! I wish I could have heard her sound effects, she is such a character:)

Tiffiny said...

We did that for FHE last night too! Unfortunately ours wasn't nearly as fun. Drew was impatient for us to finish so she could tell her story. It was about Santa Claus. I think she needs to get her priorities straight!

Anonymous said...

Oh too funny, the sound effects I can just imagine her doing :)