Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My Seth

This is my son Seth. His picture is the wallpaper on my computer, every time I open to my space on my computer I get to see him. He earns the place there I think because after three girls, then two more after him he has always had a special place in my heart. He has always been such an easy going kind of guy. A little frustrating for me when he was a teenager. He never seemed to have a worry or care. He does not get upset very easily. David and I always tease that the house could be burning down and not until it got right up to where he was sitting would he run out. He always tells me "don't worry, I got it". He went to San Francisco for Spring break last week. He went with some friends and they had a great time. Until the ride home, then one thing after another happened and it ended up taking him three days to get back to Portland. I called and talked to him a couple of times and he kept telling us everything was OK. Today when he called and finally was home I could tell he was so glad that the last few days were behind him. Then he told me he lost his charger for his phone and "oh, by the way I have until the 12th to be out of my apartment but don't worry I am working on it". Of course, I have to worry but with Seth I know it will be OK. His school started Monday and he's looking for a job as well you would think he would be very stressed out. But unlike the females in this house he seems to always just deal with what comes his way. I know that he does not tell me lots of stuff so I won't worry or be upset and at times I am grateful for that, but I don't think he realizes that even though he may not tell me I still worry and pray for him everyday! I love that kid - there are so many things we did together that I did not do with the other children that give me special memories of his growing into the young man he is. He might not like that we moved his senior year of high school and will probably not understand why we needed to do that, and hopefully can forgive us for doing so. I think our moving was the hardest on him than anyone else. I just wanted to let him know how proud I am of him and I know how hard it is and it's OK to let me worry once in a while;)


Aundrea said...

worrying is what moms do best! He's a lucky kid to have you for a mom!

Toshia said...

I am so glad that he is home safe! At least in whatever "home" he has at this point! I worry for him to, but he always lands on his feet. Such an awesome brother :)

Tiffini said...

Sounds like a great person. Too bad he didn't move with you all so we could have gotten to know him.

sheila said...

Sons. I'll never know what it's like to have boys! I do know that even with how young my girls are, there would have been so much drama had it taken us three days to get home.
And worrying is your job as a Mom! and they-- the word verification for me this time is sbram. I just thought that was funny!

Jodi said...

Aahhh...the worry. So it never goes away? I'm in trouble!