Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Christmas with the Weitzel's

As promised a few pictures from Christmas. We had a lot of fun this year and lots of family time. We celebrated with the Weitzel family at Rich's house the a couple of  Saturdays before Christmas. It is always a big gathering and very fun because it is one of the few times in the year that all the cousins get to see each other all at the same time. We went to the park to try and get a big family shot, only a couple people were not there to be in the picture. we enjoyed appetizers and each others company. The cousins did something really special this year. Instead of presents they donated money that would have been spent on gifts to the Cystic Fibrosis foundation. This they wanted to do to honor their cousin Rory who passed away from the disease when the older ones were younger. Then those that wanted to brought small lego sets and did a little white elephant exchange with them. This was also in memory of Rory because of his love for legos. They spent time building the legos together. It was fun to see the little ones having such a great time. I really enjoyed spending time with everyone.

Next post will be about getting our tree-{it was a big one}-and the celebrations that took place at our house.

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