Today was such a great day! The first week of school is past now and the kids are settling in with the routine of things. I had a great run with Toshia this morning. (I have been waiting for a long time to run again and it felt wonderful!) I had a great morning at bead class and great conversation and creating with lovely ladies, I made a fabulous pink lemonade pie and turkey pesto sandwiches for the ladies, I remembered to pick the high school kids up and they did not have to wait today (yeah for me!), we had pizza for dinner (the kids favorite), I had game night with the ladies and we had such a great time. All day I kept thinking I should be taking pictures of all of this and all day I did not have my camera with me. I hope the kids had as great a week and day as I had. They seemed pretty happy.
Just a funny side story - Autumn has had a hard time lately with the "no spending the night" rule. She is just not understanding why. So here is a conversation that we had yesterday after school.
Autumn: "Mom, I just don't get it. Why don't we spend the night anywhere again?"
Mom: "Well, remember we talked about how it is better to wake up here with us and have scriptures and prayers in the morning. And that sometimes the kids don't make good choices when they are with other people. And sometimes you could be in a dangerous situation. And we learned at conference that we shouldn't do that?"
Autumn: (thinking for a few minutes) " Mom, no offense but Aundrea and Kelly (our neighbors and who she desperately wants to spend the night at) are way stronger than you and dad. We would be way safer at their house than here if anything dangerous was going to happen. Have you seen Kelly's man boobs? They are so much stronger than our dads! So, I really don't see the problem."
Mom: (laughing silently to myself - if that is even possible) I'll be sure and put Kelly on speed dial if anything happens over here - you're still not spending the night -"
You just gotta love that little one. She is always one step ahead of me. I hope I have the energy to keep up with her as time goes on.
I am happy that I get to have these conversations with her and that the others get to share with me about their days and adventures. I love the times the most when we just talk about stuff like this and their personalities come shining through. I am one happy mother of eleven as I go off to bed tonight!