Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sunshine and peace in the change of routine

This morning was a little different from my regular routine of things. If I was a coffee drinker I would now be sitting down with my hot cup of coffee. But I am not so I sit down to write to unwind. It is only 9:00 and so much has already been done. My regular walking partner could not walk this morning so I decided to go run at the gym at 5:00 this morning. What a difference it is to wake this tired allergy ridden body up to running than the quite stillness of the dark morning walks I take each day. My body was saying, "What are you doing! I am not ready for this, slow down!" Well, I did take it easy and did not run as fast and hard as usual but still kept running. Finally finishing the run I came home to waking children gathering for scripture reading. As tired eyes opened to the sounds of quiet voices reading verses out of Alma I felt a calm and peace as the words sank in my heart and mind. Not expecting the children to feel the same as me I did see smiles and peace in their faces. David read from his almanac for us and I did not realize that this day was the ending of the civil war so many years ago. It ended with the North serving those of the South as they were tired, hungry and really a defeated group of men. David made the comment that it was an interesting way for the war to end but necessary for the union to come together. Now it was time for everyone to get going and get ready for school and the day. As the older kids left for seminary and David left for work I spent about ten minutes holding and rocking my three little girls. As they were all cuddled up with me again peace filled me. A peace that I have been seeking for a few weeks. This time was just as needed for me as it was for them. As I got ready and showered and dressed and cleaned the bathroom, started the days laundry and made beds I noticed my allergies were not as bad this morning. How wonderful it was to breath deeply and not have a coughing fit or my eyes burn. Hoping this would last I came down to fix breakfast and finding Chloe smiling and singing a sweet tune my heart once again felt peace. We have had a little battle of words as of late and she left the sweetest note on my door last night apologizing - as only she can. Making a fruit smoothie (oj, bananas, strawberries and ice) I shared with those around me. Going to check my emails and listen to a pod cast I quietly drank my breakfast and again listened to the quiet voice of Autumn playing with her new Easter bunny from grandma and some of her bears. The thought came to me if I was a coffee drinker I would be sitting here relaxing now with a coffee and try to draw energy from that for the next part of my day. But I am not so I draw energy this morning from my early morning run, sweet morning family time, morning chores done, and the peace that has filled me all morning long! Even though the conflicts that wage around me are different from those fought for so long ago, I want to end them like they did by serving those around me and enjoying the small acts of service that are done each day. I am liking this changed up day and even though the rain is back; the dark clouds that have hung around me for the last couple of weeks have been lifted. There truly is sunshine in my soul today!


Paige said...

What a wonderful day. I'm so glad you are enjoying it.

Aundrea said...

The sunny, warm weather has done wonders for my spirits too! I hope to join you on a run around town soon...I've got a long way to go to work up to your distance though! Will you just be my personal trainer??