An old friend (she is not old, I have known her a long time:)) shared a sweet story with me. When her kids were little I had shared a book "I'll Love You Forever" with her. At the time I thought it was the sweetest book, still do. Anyway, she had read it to her son when he was young. When that son left on his mission a few months ago she had bought a new copy of the book and slipped it into his bag. While he was at the MTC he found it and was in the hallway reading it when he started getting teary eyed - other Elders noticed and wanted to know what he was reading - pretty soon all these young Elders were reading and crying in the hallway. I was so glad she shared that story with me.
First of all, I love the message of the book and that it holds such sweet memories for all moms who read it with their boys (or daughters) but most of all I love that as she sent him off to serve the Lord she still wanted him to know that no matter what she would "love him forever"! This is a special young man who has a wonderful mother who has tried hard to raise him strong in the gospel and I love the example she has set as a mother in Zion.
Reading to our children is so important and I treasure every minute I have taken to do that! Anyone who knows me knows I read a lot and I read lots to my kids. The moments of joy that I felt while reading chapter books to the older kids or nursery rhymes with my babies are tucked deep in my heart. I hope that when they are older as they read certain books and share them with their children they will be flooded with memories of the love I had for them as we read together.
I have noticed that Toshia is now doing that same thing with her boys. It is so sweet to watch her as she reads to baby Jonathan or as Luke and Adrian sit on the couch listening to "Harry Potter". What a wonderful tradition she has started that will create sweet moments of joy with her kids!
I love that book--we don't have a copy but Wyatt has one in his classroom and we read it together during their mom and muffins reading time.
One of my favorite things to do is snuggle up with my kids and read.
I used to read to Ben ALOT...Megan a little bit less and now with three, it seems like it only happens before bedtime. Maybe we will get into a better routine soon. Thanks for the inspiration!
Oh what a sweet post this was Candy!!! It did remind me of the importance of reading to my kids on a "regular", as in DAILY, basis. I used to be so good about this, but I have gotten more laxed as they have gotten older and Bailey has started reading on his own more. But I do want to get back into it again. You have re-lit that spark in me, thank you!
That is such a sweet story! I agree, those are priceless moments.
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