Monday, November 19, 2007


Tonight for Family Home Evening we will be writing down the things that we are thankful for. This is a tradition that we have had so this year will be no exception. We try to list at least 10 things and that can be hard for the younger children. (and most times for the older ones). I have been thinking all day of the things that I want on my list.
  1. I am thankful for the trials that have come into my life. I would not have learned the things that I needed to any other way.
  2. I am thankful for a Heavenly Father who answers my prayers through the people in my life.
  3. I am thankful for my girls boyfriends (and husband) who put up with all of us on our Sunday crazy dinner nights.
  4. I am thankful for the children in my life. Not only my own but all of the ones I get to associate with through church, music things and school. They teach me to laugh at myself and not take myself to seriously.
  5. I am thankful that I have had children.
  6. I am thankful Autumn will be 4 on Wednesday and that she still thinks she is the "baby".
  7. I am thankful for the rain.
  8. I am really thankful for the beautiful earth and how it is blessing Paige's life right now.
  9. I am thankful for my husband who puts up with all we do and say. He is a saint and should be knighted by the Queen for what he lives with on a daily basis. (Actually we aren't that bad, we just give him a bad time all the time.)
  10. I am thankful for forever families.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And I'm thankful to know someone as incredible as you! And to call you my friend :) I think *you* deserve to be knighted or something because not too many women can claim they have 11 children and handle it with as much grace as you!

I'm so happy you started a blog :)