Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Birthday Autumn

On Friday November 21, 2003 at 3:13pm Autumn Melenaite Weitzel came into the world weighing 10lbs 5 oz. and was 22 inches long. Today, four years later she continues to amaze us. She weighs 38lbs and is 42 inches tall. What a big girl! Autumn has always been a happy girl and constantly says the funniest things. A few days ago Chad was taking her upstairs to bed and she would not go so I told him "just pick her up and carry her" as he did, she said "don't break me, I'm a collectible". Yesterday while driving all the kids to school she said "why is the world so soggy?" what she meant was why was it so foggy. When I dropped Chad off at school Tuesday he was planning on going to the dance after school and being the cute mom I am I said "now don't be making out with any girls". When he got out Autumn said "I wish there was no such things as girls so Chad wouldn't have to worry about making out". I said "but you are a girl" and she said "oh, yeah you're right". This morning she woke me up by getting in my bed saying "good morning it's me the birthday girl". She told me the other day that she was so tired of being three because three was so boring! I am so glad that Heavenly Father sent her last to our family. There is a part of everyone's personalities within her.


Toshia said...

Autumn is so adorable! I am so glad that she is my sister, she was the best way to end. I asked her if she would like to move in with me and be my daughter, she looked at me and said, "no I is your sister not your kid. I live with my mommy. You need to have your kids live with you." She is so adorable! BTW I was just kidding, I don't really want her to live with me, she would eat me out of house and home!

Jodi said...

Happy Birthday, Autumn!

Aundrea said...

Hi Candy,this is Logan.As I read Happy Birthday Autumn I thought it was really funny!