Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I couldn't sleep so I decided to write a little - then I noticed that it is 11:11pm on 1-11-11 and I have 11 children. How weird is that. Sometimes I can't really believe that I have been blessed to give birth to 11 children. It seems like a big blur of time sometimes and then I am with them all and I know they are mine but it just is so serial. They are amazing and funny and very frustrating sometimes, but I love them and appreciate all that they teach me.

I am really struggling to find my word for this year. I want it to be something that will motivate me and move to action. I thought I had it a couple of times but so far it just does not feel right yet - so I will keep searching.

I made cookies with Jonathan Monday. He was so cute. His favorite part was licking the beaters. I just love those grandkids of mine. We are going to the beach for the weekend and I am so excited to be out there with him as he throw rocks in the ocean. That is his favorite thing to do now when he is there.

I had lunch today with some friends and really had a nice time. It was the first time I have met with these ladies outside of the gym. It was nice to get to know them better. I really needed the adult conversation today for some reason.

Sunday night I had the opportunity to attend a baptism of a man who is from China. He doesn't speak English very well so there was a lady who was interpreting things for him. The spirit there was so strong and I just had such happy thoughts as I listened to what was being taught. There is so much sadness and tragedy going on in our world right now and it really helped me see that Heavenly Father is watching out for all of us. I was so glad that Toshia was asked to sing and that I could play for her so that I could be there.

I have been cleaning and organizing all over the house. Everyday I clean a drawer, cupboard or even room. I am feeling very organized but have come to the conclusion I am a pack rat! But I am getting things sorted out and it feels so good!

This has been quite a rambling post - but what do you expect from a mother of 11 that is typing at 11 o'clock at night on 1-11-11;)

1 comment:

Toshia said...

You are awesome! I am so glad that you enjoy being "gamma!" Your grandbabies love you:)
And really...the only thing massively "packratty" is the paper scraps;)