Jonathan turned one last Friday. We had his party yesterday. What a cutie pie! I cannot believe he is already one! He sure has brought a lot of joy and love to our family. Toshia and Andrew are such cute parents and I love how hard they try to do what is right for their children. We are blessed to have Andrew and the boys be part of our family. I have been thinking a lot lately of all that I am thankful for. Mostly because I knew what we were going to be talking about today in Relief Society and partly because of the time of year it is.
This is the time I usually reflect on all my blessings. Family is on the top of my list. I am also thankful to live in this great country of ours. The freedoms we have that seem to under attack are a great blessing to all of us. I have been studying a lot of things lately and a recent talk by Dallin H Oaks really reminded me of this. I did not realize that as recent as in the 1990's there are still countries that people are fighting for the freedoms that we take for granted every day. We are so blessed to have leaders that remind us of the wonderful blessings we have! I am very thankful that this little man will get to grow up and learn and become whatever he wants to! Little people like Jonathan being raised by righteous parents will do great things for our country!
I know yesterday was halloween and that being my least favorite holiday I did not remember to take pictures of the kids. They did go trick or treating with Toshia and Andrew and Chad and I handed out candy. Hayden was sick so she was very sad she did not get to go out but Jonathan being the charming young man he is gave her his bag of candy (or was it that Toshia did not want all that candy around her house to tempt her????) Speaking of sickness - I hope the older kids do not get what the little girls have had - as a matter of fact I hope I do not get what they had. Well, hope next week will be a better one and that I will get all the things done on my list that is already too long!

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