Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Autumn

Saturday was Autumn's 6th birthday! I have a hard time believing that my baby is 6 years old! But 6 she is and boy was it fun to share not only her birthday but our Thanksgiving dinner with the whole family. On Sunday all the kids (with the exception of Paige) came to the house for the celebration. Saturday was my "Super Saturday" so we decided to have her party on Sunday. We had a wonderful time together as we celebrated her birthday and Thanksgiving. It was the least amount of stress I have had ever doing Thanksgiving dinner. I don't know what made it different other than I let the older children help with some of the dishes. It was nice also to have Ashleigh and Nick come to church with us while Chad was ordained a Priest. The day seemed to go by way to quickly as soon it seemed everyone was leaving and returning back to their busy lives. Autumn loved all the attention and especially loved that Jonathan helped her open her presents. She loves that little boy and was thrilled he payed a lot of attention to her. Happy birthday little girl and I hope you have a wonderful year being 6!

1 comment:

Elder Caleb Habel said...

What a day! Happy Birthday Autumn!!!