Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Why did I have kids?

Can someone please remind me why I had children? Just putting it out there - not having the greatest day today and really it will all be alright but for the first time in a very long time I have wondered all day what was I thinking? If I had stopped at the two to four children like most people have they would all be gone and out of the house and David and I would be living a completely different life. Why did I keep having them? This has seriously gone through my head all day. But then of course, when I least expect it I get the answer right dab square in the face. Yesterday Autumn shared with me a drawing she made.

I was very busy getting everyone out the door for school yesterday and she kept wanting me to read her a book. Well, long story short the picture was inside the book, she didn't want me to read to her but find the picture. I said it was nice and then off with our day we went. Well, today at the worst possible time of the day for me I found this picture again. Look at the smiles. Look at how happy we are! This is why I had children - this is what it is really all about. Who else could love these guys like I do? Who else could handle all the ups and downs with them if not me? They were given to David and I to teach, love and help through this life. I need them as much as they need me. I know everyday is not going to be easy. There are many challenges when raising so many young people. My prayers once again answered through an innocent child - Heavenly Father has a lot to teach me still with these kids. I am grateful for everyone of them even on days like today!


Rochelle said...

Life through a mother's eyes. Your blog name is perfect. I hope you week gets better, love you.

Paige said...

(((HUGS))) And Autumn is an AMAZING artist! Holy cow!

Nathan, Sarah, Liam, Deacon, and Jude said...

That is such a sweet picture!! Thank God for those awesome reminders!