Sunday, May 29, 2011

What a hard week

So many things have happened the last 10 days. So many emotions. But out of tragedy - for me has come many blessings. I have seen the hand of the Lord in all that has taken place this last week. So many tender mercies on all of us. Missy and I talked a lot about that on Friday - and only as she can do she whipped out her journal and started recording all the tender mercies we could think of - and there were many. I also noticed that she had written a lot in that journal of hers. She will be so glad that she has as she looks back and has recorded all her day to day dealings with her children and especially those she had with Joey. Again my little sister teaches me.

One of the special moments of the week was on Tuesday when my family and I attended the temple. What peace and comfort we found there. I kept thinking - this is the place we need to be before we have to face the hard day of Joey's funeral. I was reminded of so many things there and learned some new things that brought peace and comfort to my heart. I can only imagine what it did for Missy and Randy. I could feel the arm of the Lord extended out to comfort and love us as we sat. The beautiful prayer that was offered seemed to be directed to our family. He know us - He knew we needed to hear those words that day to carry us through the next. I am so grateful for the peace of the House of the Lord.

As I came home to my family late Friday night I felt so tired and exhausted. I knew I had to try to get back to normal routines and the job of taking care of things here. Saturday I got the billing done and grocery shopping caught up and then spent time just holding and talking to the different children one at a time. I was not always patient as sometimes they were having their little quarrels with one another but inside I wanted them to see that all I wanted was for them to just get along and have some happy time with me. Today as I worshiped and prayed I felt the spirit as I reflected back on all the blessings that have come to my family this last few days. How wonderful the Relief Society is as they not only blessed my sisters family but mine here at home as well. They took over for me and cared and loved my family. What a wonderful organization we belong to!

My heart aches for my sister as she has the job of moving forward with her life. She has been a strength and pillar to everyone around her. I know it is going to take all of us to help her and Randy but they both bless all of us as we watch them live the gospel and hold onto what we hold most dear. Families are forever.

This week I am going to look for ways to show more love and kindness to those around me. I want to speak with a softer voice. I want to smile more. I want to give more hugs. I want to show my children how wonderful and beautiful this world is. I want to live my life so that they see the joy the gospel brings me. This experience has helped me to reflect on how I choose to live. I choose to live being a little better each day!

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