Monday, May 2, 2011


I just got back from a fabulous Time Out For Women this weekend. The theme for this year was "Choose to Become". The scripture from Mark 9:23 "All things are possible to Him that believeth" goes right along with my word this year - BELIEVE. I listened very carefully to all the presenters and music. I was filled with a sense of joy as I brought the two words - become and believe together in my mind. I have gone through so many hard things the last couple of years. I am facing a new challenge right now that is very discouraging but because I "believe" I know I will "become" to be able to deal with it and move through it.

One thing that I have thought about myself is that I am not that great at anything - I do things and try to do them well but I am not fantastic in fact mostly just average. This weekend I realized that my "average" has brought me a tremendous amount of blessings. My "average" has helped many people and family. It's OK that I am not just fabulously the best at any one thing. I don't mean not to keep trying to improve or be better - that is part of the process of becoming but along the way before I get there I have been blessed by my average every day accomplishments.

I found this little story from the Nov. 1985 conference report today as I was studying. It sums up for me all that I took away from the speakers this weekend.

"Many years ago I heard a story that impressed me. A beautiful little blind girl was sitting on the lap of her father in a crowded compartment in a train. A friend seated nearby said to the father, "Let me give you a little rest," and he reached over and took the little girl on his lap.
A few moments later the father said to her, "Do you know who is holding you?"
"No," the little girl replied, "but you do."
Some might say, "What a perfect trust this child had in her father." Others may say, "What a wonderful example of love." And still others might say, "What an example of faith." To me it indicates a beautiful blending of all of these principles. Affection, respect, and care over the years had placed in this little girl’s heart a peace that surpasseth all understanding. She was at peace because she knew and trusted her father.
Our trust and our relationship with our Heavenly Father should be similar to that of the little blind girl with her earthly father. When sorrow, tragedy, and heartbreaks occur in our lives, wouldn’t it be comforting if when the whisperings of God say, "Do you know why this has happened to you?" we could have the peace of mind to answer, "No, but You do."

As I "become" who He wants me to be I want to keep this story in my mind and know that He knows all and I can have peace with that. I have a peace this day of all that I am to face - even if it is hard. I know He lives and that He will hear and answer my prayers as I strive to keep the faith, love and trust in Him. I am so thankful for a couple of days that the Lord could teach me and lift me in ways that I did not imagine possible. I am thankful for a sweet daughter who could go with me and her (and my) wonderful young friends to share this moment of time with. All of us will be better because we took a moment to be more than "average" and let Him tutor us!

1 comment:

Elder Caleb Habel said...

Oh my goodness that melts my heart! Candice Weitzel I love you. What a completely wonderful way of looking at "hard things". Thank you for sharing. I can't wait to hear more about TOFW.