I was so impressed with him last night. For a sixteen year old he has some pipes! (American Idol talk, I know) I shared why this particular hymn has so much meaning to me. When I was baptized it was sung at the Sacrament meeting held the following day. I was only eight years old and felt something I had never felt before. I now know it was the spirit, but then all I knew was that this baptism thing felt right! I knew the church was true. I have been blessed my whole life to just know that. I believe it is a spiritual gift given to me at such a young age that has helped me throughout my entire life. I have never questioned my testimony of this since that young age. While the hymn was being sung my eight year old mind thought deeply about the words and knew as is repeated so often in the song that "He Lives!" After I had shared this story with the group I had Chad sing an arrangement of this song that I really love. It has such a beautiful piano part and I get to play such a beautiful music line under his singing of the melody. We have worked on this for a while now and it just seemed to really come together last night. He sang from his heart. He sang with such power and emotion that my heart swelled as once again the spirit testified to me of the message of this song. What was so wonderful is how I felt we connected as I played and he sang. I have felt that a couple of times before when playing for Toshia and Chelsea as they sang but this was something different. I can't really describe it with words. Afterwards I asked him about it. He told me that my story had such an impact on him that he had to do well to give meaning to song that had meant so much to me. He said he felt the spirit. Yeah! I thought for this moment he is getting it.
On the way home we had a great discussion in the car about things going on in the world right now and how it is affecting him. He shared some really cool things with us. Then later after we were home he brought me a book "Tuesdays With Morrie". I have seen part of the movie before but not read the book yet. He said he really wanted David and I both to read it. It really made an impression with him. I am almost done with it (it is a short read) and I am glad he shared it with me. I am so grateful for having these moments with the kids. Chad sharing with us like he did is a rare occurrence. There are always other kids around and he is busy with school and sports. What a wonderful way to end a Sabbath day - sharing music with people and sharing life with my children!

I was so touched by you and Chad's song in sacrament. It was so beautiful! And yes, please take that boy to audition for American Idol next go round. I'd vote for him!
I'm always inspired when I read your blog, Candy! Thanks for continually sharing your testimony...it lifts me.
I would vote for Chad on American Idol...send him to try out!!
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