Look at these guys! What a beautiful day at the beach - in fact, the whole week was so nice. The morning fog would burn off by noon and then it was all afternoon down playing in the sand and water. We had a great baseball game on the sand - we split up into two teams and hit a tennis ball - the kids were quite surprised I could get a hit. I was even more amazed at how far David can still hit a ball into the wind! He made me run a lot - my legs sure felt it the next day. That said Noah, Autumn and I still beat David, Taylor and Hayden.

We found a new place to search for agates. I thought we knew all the little places but we had never gone this way before and boy was it agate heaven. David went back two more times at low tide and came back with just a huge find. These will all get polished up over the winter and into some new projects I have in mind and also added to the already large collection we have. If you look really closely in the background of this picture are sealions. That was the added bonus to this rock finding expedition. We found out the seals hang out here all the time. We are sure going to make our way back to this little hideout!

One of our favorite places to hang out is at the park. I can't believe as I look at this picture that the kids were just babies when we started coming to this place.

The tire swing is always a favorite with these guys. This time they had to wait a little because there were some other littler kids taking a really long time on it. Finally when it was left alone they ran and grabbed it and played for quite a while there.

This is such a cool picture of Adrian just before the sun set. We had a fire going this night on the beach and roasted hot dogs and smores. We stayed until dark - the kids played while the bigger people stayed by the fire. What a great time we had!

Look at these two cuties - not much more needs to be said -

Jonathan was so cute sitting by Chad and waiting for the fire to get to the point where we could roast things. He loved playing with the kids and then back again to wait.
This "staycation" for us was so relaxing and great time spent with the kids. I love that we get to see the coast during all the seasons and enjoy the many faces of the beach and ocean. I love exploring and finding new "hideouts" and visiting old ones. We are so blessed to have each other as we share these experiences. We did travel like usual this summer and it was kind of nice not having the stress of the long car ride somewhere. Now that we are back and getting ready for school to start and all that goes with that I am glad we choose this last week to hang out by the ocean!
I love all the pictures...thanks for letting us crash the party. We had a blast at the beach!
You have such a nice getaway at the coast...I love that you and David have been taking your family there since forever. I imagine you have quite a collection of the kids at the coast over the years. These pics are really amazing!
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