Monday, March 14, 2011

Grumpy morning

So I thought that yesterday with daylight savings time would be a rough day. Actually this morning proved to be an unusually grumpy morning from everyone! Last night I was trying to get the little girls to bed and they were giving me all kinds of excuses like usual but finally we got them all tucked in and prayers said. We were headed to bed when Autumn told us that she thought she would just go back to "old time" and just stay up a while. David went in and had a talk with her and got her to finally admit she really was tired and soon she was asleep. But getting everyone up this morning was a bear! Autumn especially was very tired and cried over every little thing. Taylor and Hayden were fighting like cats and dogs - Noah was running more than a little behind - I had a head ache by the time they were all out the door and off for school. I hope they are kinder to their teachers today than they were to each other. The only bright side to all of this is that spring and summer are just around the corner - I can hardly wait!!!! Happy Daylight Savings to everyone!

1 comment:

Gina said...

It was a grumpy morning at our house too. I think it takes a day for that lost hour of sleep to catch up to everyone.