This little girl of mine is starting the third grade! I cannot believe that my youngest is a third grader. She is such a sweetie. She is so excited for school this year. She plans on walking or riding her bike with her friends and sister. I loved third grade! I had the greatest teacher and can remember all the cool art projects and ceramics we did. It was the first time I noticed boys and actually thought they were cute! School starts tomorrow and all the kids - wow, did I say all - there are only four left at home now and only four going to school. How weird is that for me. When I am used to having so many around and the hustle and bustle of getting seven or eight children out the door along with taking care of two or three little ones while they were away you can understand how having only four who pretty much take care of themselves is kind of a different thing for me. I miss the days when everyone was home, but I so enjoy these days as I watch everyone become very good people. Some are taking a little time to "grow up" as we say but their journeys are their own and they will look back at their first days of school and remember that there was always a loving home to come home to after a long exciting day of learning.
By the way, the skirt she is wearing we made. She picked out the fabrics and designed the flower she wanted. She was looking at my pinterest boards one afternoon last week and said she really wanted this skirt that I had pinned. She picked out four pairs of jeans for me to use. It was so cute, I had to explain that she needed those pants for school and we would use an old pair that had holes in the knees. In the end, this back to school outfit cost me exactly $0.00! I had everything in my stash already. Autumn pointed that out to me, she is always watching out for me!

I love that skirt! I especially love the flower-nice pick Autumn:)
Love the skirt! I remember little Autumn as we would pick her and Drew up from kindergarten. Time flies. All of a sudden I am home alone with only Bree 3 days a week and its a completely different feeling. I can't imagine how different it is for you with only 4 big kids home now. Enjoy it!
That is such a cute skirt. You guys did a great job. I love her sassy little pose for the camera also...too soon they are all grown up, enjoy!
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