"When you are in the final days of your life, what will you want? Will you hug that college degree in the walnut frame? Will you ask to be carried to the garage so you can sit in your car? Will you find comfort in rereading your financial statement? Of course not. What will matter then will be people. If relationships will matter most then, shouldn’t they matter most now?" – Max Lucado
I want my husband and my children to know they matter most. I also want them to know that I have a relationship with my Savior Jesus Christ. Without the Savior as a foundation for me my relationships with my family would have no eternal value. I will be with them forever and throughout eternity because of what our Savior did for all of us. In the end nothing else really matters except for how I treated others. I can obtain all the knowledge in the world and have all the things that the world says are valuable but if I have not shown the ones I love the most that I love them the most then what do all those other things matter in the end? I have made lots of mistakes and I am growing and learning in my relationships. I am very grateful for children who have loved me despite my shortcomings. My husband has been the most patient as I have learned to let him love me and shown me he is my best friend! I have been thinking so much about my children lately. It is a funny season of life for me. While most of my children are grown and out of the house and the ones who are home are not so dependent upon me, I have been trying to find my place in their lives. I want to continue the relationships we had when they were little but their needs are different and where I fit into their lives is different. I love them so much and treasure the moments when we are together. Despite all the differences we have I feel my love for them is stronger now more than ever. This month I will work on being more "intentional" in my relationships with my children and husband.
I love this picture of Taylor and Chloe. It tells really a story of how all my children are with one another. They love and support and come together when we go through hard things. There have been many times I am amazed at how they just do what is needed for each other - at times it comes at a great sacrifice - but they love each other so much.
Even though a couple of kids are not in the background of this picture I love how it shows our story of how we are together David and I but we have this legacy behind us that will only continue to grow!
This mother will always be grateful to a loving Heavenly Father who trusted her so much to send eleven of His choicest spirits to her to raise and teach and love!